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  • Edible ink is increasingly used in the field of food decoration, especially in desserts such as cakes, biscuits and sweets. This special ink makes the food look more appealing, while also adding an element of creativity and personalization. However, a common question is: How long does edible ink las
  • Edible ink can be printed on pastry, ice cream, cotton candy and other food surface, can print creative patterns, all ingredients can be edible, after printing can be eaten together with food, safe and healthy, is to help you complete the food creativity, provide you with an important tool for custo
  • Recently, Foodprinttech Company lauched a new upgraded A4 model flatbed food printer -- Foodart® A4 Digital Flatbed Food Printer (shorted as new A4 model below).In addition to improving the shortcomings of the original machine, the new A4 model also added stronger functions, such as, automatic heigh
  • The Foodart® A2 Flatbed Food Printer is a compact and versatile desktop printer designed for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Printing edible image on cakes and pastries with personalized themes are quite popular these days. More and more, cake enthusiasts prefer the ready-made cake toppings to decorate their birthday cake in no time. Cake toppings are really Fantastic. Why do you need to print edible decorations on food?
  • There are three recommended bakery edible printers which include the model A4, A3+ and A2, named after their printing sizes. You may wonder which suits your business, and this article will clarify on the difference and instruction on choosing the right one.
Friendly Links:  Edible InkEdible PaperEdible Pens
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