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Chocoprint Coating Agent

Inkcare® Chocoprint Coating Agent is an essential product to make creative printed chocolates. It covers chocolate surfaces and makes it printable, then the chocolates can be mass-printed with edible image decorations. The product realizes the creative chocolates and can be produced in bulk.

1. Widely used in chocolate, candy printing before spraying;
2. Solve the problem that the smooth surface of food can not bear printing pattern, making food printable;
3. Color is transparent yellowish, which is not affecting the original color of food;
4. Color can be customized according to special demands;
5. Raw materials are natural and safe to be directly sprayed on food and eaten.

Product Description:
As well known that chocolates contain a lot of fat, which can't absorb edible ink. So edible image chocolates are usually made via using chocolate transfer sheets. But the manual chocolates cannot be produced largely. Is there a solution of combining with creativity and mass-producing? Yes, Inkcare® Chocoprint Coating Agent is the essential product to produce customized chocolates in quantity. Spraying the edible coating on chocolates, then printing edible ink images on the chocolate surfaces. It doesn't just apply to chocolate printing, it applies to any food that its surface can't be absorbed edible ink, such as, hard candy, lollipops, and so on.
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