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Meet Your Requirement of Mass Production by Flatbed Food Printer Machine

Views: 0     Author: Foodprinttech     Publish Time: 2023-06-13      Origin: Site


  If you want to gain more advantages in the food industry, high-efficiency mass production and high-quality printing results must be very important. I have to mention our A2 flatbed food printer, which can produce food continuously for 24 hours, and can fully realize your customized printing pattern needs to help you enhance your brand impression. It is a kind of desktop machine, with a small footprint, can be perfectly suitable for your production environment.

digital-marshmallowsEdible printed emoji marshmallows 1

Comparative advantages:

  • Independent R&D, with good guarantee

  • Automatically adjust print height

  • Customized print trays

  • Easy operation

  • Equipped with safe edible ink


Macaroon,pastry, snack, cake, cookie, marshmallow, icing cookie, etc.

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Whether it is flat, curved or non-flat food, there must be excellent print results.

For more information, please contact us directly!

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Contact Us
Email: info@foodprinttech.com
Tel/WhatsApp: +86-18120439171
Add: #1907, 9th Guanggu Headquarters International Building, No. 62 Guanggu Ave., Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430000, China.
Copyright  2022 Wuhan Food Printing Technology Co., Ltd.              Hubei ICP No.18029968-1